Business Partner Accreditation Program
Recognizing that it is necessary for TAMRON to have social responsibility throughout the supply chain, we have revised the TAMRON Supplier Code of Conduct in accordance with the latest version of the RBA Code of Conduct (*1), and we request all suppliers to comply with it.

<History of Our Activities>
2008 CSR Procurement Start
2009 First SAQ Survey (*2)
2011 CSR Procurement Briefing (all business partners)
2015 Second SAQ Survey
2017 Third SAQ Survey
(*1) The RBA Code of Conduct sets out standards for environmental responsibility and ethical business practices in the electronic equipment industry supply chain, requiring safe working environments and the treatment of workers with dignity and respect.
(*2) Self-Assessment Questionnaire. This is a table of questions designed to enhance CSR procurement that is made up of themes such as “Corporate Governance Related to CSR,” “Human Rights, “Labor,” “the Environment,” “Fair Corporate Activities,” “Quality and Safety,” and so on.