Social contributions

Approach to Social Contributions

The CSR theme "Social Contributions " is based on the following policy.
"To create a society in which people can experience spiritual fulfillment, TAMRON engages in activities contributing to the development of photography and film culture, and acting as a good corporate citizen, takes part in local community activities and contributes to their development."

Management system for Social Contributions

Important matters and targets determined by the CSR Committee are managed by each CSR administrative division. For the "Social Contributions" theme, CSR administrative division manages specific policies and targets.


Key CSR Issues 2023 results 2024 targets
Fostering next generation/Social contributions (1) Social contribution activities: Contributed an amount equal to 0.4% of average consolidatedoperating income for the last three years
(2) (Target) Increase in social contribution ratio aimed at fostering the next generation(compared with 2022 levels): (Result) decreased by 2%
Formulation of basic policy on social contribution activities and construction of a promotionsystem Targets: Policy formulation, group development

Main Activities

Railroad scenery photo contests

TAMRON sponsors the Railway Scenery Photo Contest in order to promote train culture and local revitalization in Omiya, known as an important railroad town in Japan and also site of our head office. As part of this contest, all winning entries are showcased at a photo exhibition held at the Omiya Sogo Department store. This local event is made possible with the much-appreciated support of the City of Saitama, the Saitama Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Saitama City Board of Education.

Sport Support Activity

TAMRON supports athletes to promote and spread recognition of sports and to communicate the activities of athletes through photography. Each athlete has boldly taken on the challenge of competition and continued with unrelenting efforts on a daily basis. Together with the power of photography, TAMRON will continue to support each athlete delivering hopes and excitement to the world through their sporting endeavors.

Supporting Nature Restoration

TAMRON’s Omiya head office continues to support the nature restoration project carried out by the Ecosystem Conservation Society-Saitama together with local citizen groups at the Shibakawa Daiichi Flood Control Reservoir and surrounding areas. Many years ago the Minuma Tambo area of the reservoi rarea was an abundant wetland with white herons. Today thereservoir continues to see a number of wildfowl such as swans and even short-toed eagles visit the area to feed.

Supporting Nature Restoration