
Approach to Compliance

The CSR theme "Compliance" is based on the following policy.
"TAMRON is aware that it exists together with society. We place a priority on observing laws and regulations while respecting social rules, and carry out our corporate activities with a high sense of ethics."

Management of Compliance

To promote compliance, TAMRON has established the Compliance Committee, which is chaired by the Representative Director and deliberates on basic items for the promotion of compliance, and the Compliance Promotion Committee, which comprises members selected from each business division and provides training and education on legal compliance.
We established an independent internal reporting desk with stringent confidentiality requirements externally to ensure the thorough implementation of compliance. The reporting desk has begun operating from FY2019. As a risk that includes overseas operations, we have also identified the prevention of information leaks including trade secrets as a key issue, and will further strengthen our management of this issue going forward.
Please see here for internal control including whistleblowing


Key CSR Issues 2023 results 2024 targets
Compliance/Full enforcement of compliance Legal violations: 1 (1) Violation of laws and regulations: 0
(2) Compliance awareness survey: Once a year