Dialogue with Stakeholders

Dialogue with Stakeholders

The TAMRON Group works to maintain communication with stakeholders through the various opportunities detailed below. Through these efforts we strive to improve stakeholder satisfaction and achieve better management.

Stakeholder Characteristics Means of Communication
Customers Customers of TAMRON-branded photographic lenses are spread all over the world, and we engage in direct communication with users.
Users of our surveillance, FA, automotive and medical-related lenses represent our corporate customers.
  • Website-based consultation services, call centers and service desks
  • Customer support through sales and service divisions
  • Dissemination of information through our website and social media accounts
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Participation in trade shows and events
  • Press releases through mainstream media, etc.
Shareholders and Investors TAMRON aims to communicate effectively with shareholders and investors both in Japan and overseas. TAMRON makes the utmost effort to disseminate and provide information with attention paid to equity, accuracy and timeliness.
  • General meeting of shareholders
  • Financial results briefings
  • Information shared on the company website, etc.
  • Meetings with individuals and small groups
  • Plant tours
  • Handling related to ESG investment, etc.
Employees In addition to its facilities in Japan, the TAMRON Group also has seven overseas sales locations and two overseas production locations. Going forward, we aim to use various tools for more effective communication between locations.
  • Messages (from the president) to mark the beginning of the year, etc.
  • Information disseminated via the internal newsletters company intranet
  • Management council meetings and discussions with labor unions
  • Human resources consultation desk
  • Regular meeting and meetings utilizing teleconferencing systems linking each site
  • Internal reporting desk, etc.
Business Partners We ask bus ines s partner s to as s i s t with the procurement of raw materials and components for each production plant.
  • Dialogue through daily business activities
  • Briefings, surveys and auditing regarding CSR procurement
  • Quality audits, environmental quality audits, process audits, etc.
Society Each site maintains links with the local community and conducts social contribution activities that reflect TAMRON's unique qualities.
  • Participation in local events
  • Coordination with NGOs and NPOs through social contribution
  • Participation in groups such as the United Nations Global Compact
  • Notification and reporting to government agencies, etc.
External Recognition