Latest Business Results
Business Results
(million of yen)
2023/12 |
2024/12 |
Increase/ Decrease |
Increase/ Decrease(%) |
Net Sales | 71,426 |
88,475 |
17,048 |
23.9% |
Operating Income | 13,607 |
19,201 |
5,594 |
41.1% |
Ordinary Income | 13,972 |
19,304 |
5,331 |
38.2% |
Net Income | 10,812 |
14,526 |
3,713 |
34.4% |
Looking at the global economy during the consolidated fiscal year under review, although there have been signs of stagnation such as China, the economy has been generally on a recovery track. However, uncertainty has continued to remain due to geopolitical risks such as the prolonged Russia-Ukraine conflict and the tense situation in the Middle East, etc.
Looking at the markets in which the Tamron Group participates, the interchangeable lens camera market grew by more than 10% both in volume and value year on year. Breaking down the market further, sales of SLR cameras declined by approximately 15% both in volume and value year on year, but sales of mirrorless cameras continued to perform well, increasing more than 15% both in volume and value year on year. Sales of interchangeable lenses rose 7% year on a volume basis and increased 11% on a value basis.
In terms of average exchange rates, the Japanese yen weakened by approximately 11 yen year on year against the U.S. dollar, and approximately 12 yen year on year against the euro.
Under these conditions, the Tamron Group’s operating results in the consolidated fiscal year were favorable in all business segments and due in part to the positive effects of the yen’s depreciation, net sales amounted to 88,475 million yen (23.9% increase year on year).
On the profit front, the increase in gross profit due to significant increase in net sales and the suppression of SG&A expenses to an increase of 12% year on year, which was about half of the increase in net sales, resulted in a significant increase in each profits, with operating income amounted to 19,201 million yen(41.1% increase year on year), with ordinary income of 19,304 million yen(38.2% increase year on year) and profit attributable to owners of parent of 14,526 million yen(34.4% increase year on year).
We achieved double-digit or more increases in sales and profits in all business segments, and we were also able to achieve the numerical targets, including sales, operating income, and ROE in the first year of our new medium-term management plan “Value Creation 26” which began in 2024 and ends in the fiscal year ending December 2026.
For details, please refer to Financial Report.