Occupational safety and health

Approach to Occupational safety and health

The CSR theme "Occupational safety and health" is based on the following policy.
"To develop a pleasant workplace environment that considers the safety and health of each employee, TAMRON monitors the state of health of its employees, undertakes initiatives on the maintenance and management of health, and makes every effort to ensure employee safety."
To develop a pleasant workplace environment that considers the safety and health of each employee, TAMRON monitors the state of health of its employees, undertakes initiatives on the maintenance and management of health, and makes every effort to ensure employee safety.

Related SDGs

Decent work and economic growth

8.8Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment

Occupational Safety and Health Management System & Health and Productivity Management System

Important matters and targets determined by the CSR Committee are managed by each CSR administrative division. Under the CSR theme of Occupational safety and health, which includes health and productivity management, TAMRON has established a committee based on its Occupational Safety and Health Regulations, and conduct activities to prevent occupational accidents including the implementation of safety and health patrols. We are analyzing the causes and changing equipment and work procedures. For commuting accidents, we hold traffic safety training to prevent recurrence.
Regarding mental health issues, periodic mental health checks are conducted twice a year, with information on the situation at each site provided as feedback to facilitate improvements. Furthermore, the results are reported to the board of directors, and the board of directors instructs each department to make improvements if necessary.


Key CSR Issues 2022 results 2023/Mid-Term-Goals
Occupational safety and health Occupational accidents: 5, formulation of countermeasures for accidents: 100% The number of occupational accidents: year on year decrease

Health and Productivity Management

TAMRON promotes health and productivity management based on its policy of "To develop a pleasant workplace environment that considers the safety and health of each employee, TAMRON monitors the state of health of its employees, undertakes initiatives on the maintenance and management of health, and makes every effort to ensure employee safety." By striving to develop a workplace in which employees can engage in fulfilling work in good physical and mental health, we believe employees will be able to demonstrate their full potential and allow TAMRON to deliver products and services that provide society with excitement and security.
In terms of initiatives to promote mental and physical health, we commission outside contractors to conduct mental health diagnoses for all permanent and non-permanent employees twice a year. Employees undergoing the diagnoses include those dispatched overseas. Additionally, for each age group, job type and division, we identify issues in terms of management, workplace unity and job satisfaction, brief the Management Meeting based on a report compiled each time, and endeavor to make improvements.
In recognition of these efforts, TAMRON has certified under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (Major Corporation Category) for the first time. Moving forward, we will continue to promote health and productivity management to advance the health of all employees, who represent the driving force behind the growth of TAMRON.

2023 Health & Productivity