TAMRON Lens UtilityTM Online Help

Astro Focus Lock (Astro FC-L)

Focal Point will automatically be fixed at infinity and will ease you from finding the focus point for astrophotography.

* The focus ring will be disabled until Astro FC-L is released to prevent focus deviation due to incorrect operation.

* Click for TAMRON Lens Utility Compatible Lens List >>

How to set up


Click [Custom Switch Setting] or [Focus Set Button Setting] shown at the top-left of the home screen.

* [Custom Switch Setting] or [Focus Set Button Setting] will be displayed depending on the lens.

* Check Function List >>

* Download the TAMRON Lens Utility >>

* Check how to Connect/Disconnect Lens and Computer >>


On the [Custom Switch Setting] or [Focus Set Button Setting] screen, click [Select].


From the selection screen, click [Select] for [Astro FC-L].

* Depending on the lens, functions apearing on the screen will differ. Check the list to find capability of your lens.
TAMRON Lens Utility Compatible Lens List >>


Select [Press] or [Hold (1 sec.)]. Then click [Save] to complete the setting process.

* You can return to the previous screen by clicking the [Return] button.

* How to release setting

By following the same method used when you activated the function, [Press] or [Hold (1 sec.)], the [Astro FC-L] will be deactivated and focus will be free.