eBAND Coating
Wide band anti-reflection coating (from visible light to SWIR light range)

- eBAND Coating (Extended Bandwidth & Angular-Dependency Coating)
- VIS (Visible)
- NIR (Near infrared)
- SWIR (Short wavelength infrared)
Anti-reflection coating with a wide band and a high transmittance is demanded for lenses which are used for surveillance, measurement and inspection applications required for imaging with accuracy and precision.
Tamron’s eBAND Coating, compared to the conventional multiple-layer coatings, has greatly enhanced anti-reflection performance and has achieved a higher transmittance performance in the wide range from visible to SWIR.
Utilizing Tamron’s eBAND Coating improves measurement accuracy of measuring equipment and inspection apparatus.
Furthermore, the eBAND Coating makes it possible to reduce the effects of ghosting and flare generated by disturbance of light. The eBAND Coating is adaptable in various materials and shapes such as prism, lens array and small diameter lens and therefore expands the possibility of applications.
Coating and Filter Technology