Medium Term Management Plan
Medium-Term Management Plan ”Value Creation 26 ver.2.0”
Positioning of "Value Creation26 ver.2.0"
Medium-Term Management Plan2016-2018
- Improve Profitability of core business
- Expand business in growing fields
- Improvement of corporate constitution
Medium-Term Management Plan"Vision23"
- Portfolio optimization
- Development & growth of New business
- Establish a functional strategy
- Development of human resources & Activate the organization
New Medium-Term Management Plan"Value Creation 26 ver.2.0"
Under Vision23’s achievements, we will overcome challenges, achieve high-quality leaps, and maximize corporate value through new endeavors.
Basic Polocy of Medium-Term Management Plan "Value Creation 26 ver.2.0"
Basic Policy
- Executing investments and allocation of resources for dramatic progress.
- Building business foundations that will enable sustainable growth.
Value Creation26 ver.2.0
We will overcome challenges, achieve high-quality leaps, and
maximize corporate value through new endeavors.
Reaching long-term vision "Net sales 100 billion yen Company" in the next Medium-term plan.
Business Strategy
- Deepen the optimization of business portfolios
- Create and nurse new businesses
Financial Strategy
- Build an efficient and stable management structure
- Strengthen shareholder return policy
ESG/Strategy for Sustainability
- Reform corporate governance structure
- Enrich management infrastructure/human capital
- Continue efforts toward carbon neutrality and reduce environmental impact
Business Strategy of Medium-Term Plan "Value Creation26 ver.2.0"
Business Strategy
Ensure continuous growth by allocating appropriate resources to each business
- Advance the structure of the Photographic products business as a cash cow
- Expand scale in both “Surveillance&FA lenses”, and “Mobility & Healthcare Products, Others“ business
- ⇒Target to increase sales composition ratio of “Surveillance & FA lenses", and
“Mobility and Healthcare, others”business by more than 15% each.
(even though they were less than 15% in 2026, Sales increased by more than 45% compared to 2023)
- ⇒Adjust the sales composition ratio of the Photographic products business from 3/4 to 2/3.(aiming to approx. 70% in 2026)
Functional Strategy
Evolution of each function to support growth in existing business growth and new business creation
- Reinforce the global tri-pilar production system by starting the 2nd plant in Vietnam
- Increase the resilience of the supply chain, and enhance allocation flexibility
- Promote automation・labor saving・manpower reduction
- Re-emphasize independent profitability and establish competitive advantage
- Recover sales in US & European markets
- Incorporate domestic demand in the Chinese market
- Capture demand in emerging markets
- Enhance digital marketing
- Strengthen the ability to identify the needs on a global basis
R&D・New Business Creation
- Advance fundamental optics and elemental technologies
- Improve productivity in product design and development
- Enhance the discovery of the seeds/connection of needs
- Reinforce the function for new business creation
- Accelerate open innovation design
Management Numerical Targets of Medium-Term Plan "Value Creation26 ver.2.0"
(Announced in February 2025)
Target of "Value Creation 26 ver.2.0" by Segment
Financial Strategy of Medium-Term Management Plan “Value Creation 26 ver.2.0”
ESG/Strategy for Sustainability of Medium-Term Plan "Value Creation 26 ver.2.0"

Sustainability and ESG Initiatives The Value Creation Process
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