
With TAMRON’s new F/2.8 telephoto zoom lens, you can master the expression of real depth by creating soft-focus backgrounds to emphasize the crisp, clean lines of your subjects, or take advantage of fast shutter speeds to catch action at a distance. This high-performance fast lens gives you the mobility you need to capture outstanding telephoto zoom images - majestic scenery, stunning portraits, sports action, and more. |
(Equivalent to 310mm)
Exposure :Aperture fully opened Auto ISO400 RAW
(image taken with a digital SLR camera with an APS-C size sensor) |

This lens boasts a minimum focus distance of 0.95m over the entire zoom range, the best performance in its class. This makes large-aperture telephoto zoom photography possible over a longer shooting range. The lens also has a maximum magnification ratio of 1:3.1 (at 200mm, with a minimum focus distance of 0.95m), enabling you to enjoy close-up macro photography of flowers, insects, and other tiny objects. |
(Equivalent to 310mm)
Exposure :F/4.5 Auto ISO400 RAW
MFD :0.95m Macro Magnification Ratio :1:3.1
(image taken with a digital SLR camera with an APS-C size sensor)
