CSR Library

Integrated Report

TAMRON first issued its CSR report in 2007, then enhanced the information related to corporate social responsibility (CSR). In order to keep the information disclosed up to date as circumstances change, TAMRON has been disclosing its CSR activities mainly on the web since 2020.
In addition, TAMRON issued the Integrated Report, which integrates financial and non-financial information such as business results as well as business strategies to create value in the medium and long term.

Integrated Report

ESG Databook

ESG Databook

GRI Standards Comparison

GRI Standards Comparison

Reporting Policy

(1) This website was issued to report on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities being pursued by the TAMRON Group to our stakeholders. We have identified issues deemed to be of significant social importance which also have considerable impact on our business, and established them as key issues. We are reporting on progress and specific initiatives with regard to those key issues. When considering the content of the report, we consulted the reporting principles laid out in the GRI Standards and also referred to the following guidelines.

  • ISO26000 –Social Responsibility
  • Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation
  • Environmental Report Guidelines
  • Environmental Accounting Guidelines
  • Greenhouse Effect Gas Measuring & Reporting Manual

(2) This website covers activities at all the TAMRON Group including Tamron Co., Ltd., TAMRON Optical (Foshan) Co., Ltd., and overseas sales subsidiary companies (except for some information on environment data and so on).

(3) Period Covered by this Report: January to December 2022

Contact Us: Tamron Co., Ltd., Corporate Strategy Unit 1385 Hasunuma, Minuma-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama 337-8556, JAPAN

<CSR Report-related Award History>
Excellence Award (Environmental Reporting Category) from the Environmental Communication Awards
"CSR Report 2014" "CSR Report 2015"
"CSR Report 2016" "CSR Report 2017"
"CSR Report 2019"